When installing a pool, please ensure you review By-Law 03-14 for specific requirements related to the erection and maintenance of fences and gates around privately owned outdoor swimming pools.
By definition, a privately owned outdoor Swimming Pool includes:
"Any body of water located outdoors on privately owned property which is contained in part or in whole by means that are not naturally occurring and which is designed to contain water or contains water to a depth of 51 cm (20 inches) or more and whose use includes diving, swimming, wading or bathing and includes a pond located within a residential area but does not include ponds that are solely ornamental that do not exceed 3.05 metres (10 feet) in diameter or 91.5 cm (36 inches) in depth"
The inspection of completed pool installation and fences is required by By-Law 03-14.
During the course of construction, the Clearview Township Building Department must be contacted in order to make the inspections in accordance with the By-Law. When requesting inspections, please quote your permit number.