5202 County Road 9

The Township of Clearview has received an application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 06-54. A public meeting will be held November 29, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Administration Building 217 Gideon Street, Stayner.
The application seeks to amend the zoning on the subject lands from ‘Residential Large Lot’ (RS1) Zone to ‘Residential Multiple Low-Density Exception’ (RS3-XX) Zone.
The requested exception proposes to limit the permitted uses to a single detached dwelling and alter several provisions of the ‘Residential Multiple Low Density’ (RS3) Zone, including permitting development on partial services, considering changes to the parking lot width, parking lot area and other provisions as needed.
The effect of the application is to allow for the construction of a dwelling on partial services (municipal water and private septic) on the subject lands.