6934 & 7044 Highway 26

The Township of Clearview has received and application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 06-54 for the removal of a Holding (H30) Symbol from the property located at 6934 & 7044 Highway 26.
Council will consider this application at their meeting Monday, February 26, 2024.
The purpose of the application is to remove the ‘Hold (H30)’. The conditions to remove the ‘Hold (H30)’ include the requirement that sufficient municipal servicing capacity and allocation required to service the permitted uses be confirmed in a manner to the satisfaction of the Township and that a site plan agreement has been entered into with the municipality and registered on title to the land for the development of the site be completed. The items listed to lift the ‘Hold (H30)’ will be satisfied, by the date listed in the notice.