The subject application concerns lands municipally known as 6833 33/34 Sideroad, 6630 30/31 Sideroad formerly Nottawasaga.

Township of Clearview Council has received an application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 06-54 through a Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator Order.
The purpose of the proposed Community Infrastructure and Housing Accelerator Order (CIHAO) is to amend the zoning applying to the lands to permit a greater range of employment uses on the subject lands being the Clearview Aviation Business Park. The proposed Site Specific General Industrial Zone reflects the expanded range of permitted uses while continuing to carry forward all of the previously approved site specific zone standards such as side yard setbacks, height restrictions, lot coverage and parking regulations. The existing MDS overlay on the subject property would remain and is reflected in the proposed CIHAO.
The effect of the application is to enable the development of a broader range of employment uses, including non-aviation uses, while maintaining the existing aviation permissions currently permitted on the existing approved Clearview Aviation Business Park.
Associated Historic Applications:
2015: The 2001 Official Plan was amended to permit an airport related employment land business park, with associated ancillary uses and necessary infrastructure through Official Plan amendment No. 16.
2016: The Aviation Business Park subdivision was approved in two parts. Phase 1 was approved on October 17, 2016 and Phase 2 and 3 were approved together on June 26, 2018. Township Council extended the draft plan approval to take the Phase 1 approval to October 2036 and the Phase 2 and 3 approval to June 2037.
2017: The lands were rezoned from ‘Agricultural’ (AG), ‘Environmental Protection’ (EP) and ‘Airport Industrial’ (MA) through By-law 17-56 and 17-57. The lands are currently zoned to permit a number of airport-related uses.