9783 6/7 Sideroad Nottawasaga

The Township of Clearview has received an application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 06-54. A public meeting will be held March 29, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers at the Administration Building 217 Gideon Street, Stayner.
The application seeks to amend the zoning on a portion of the subject lands from a ‘Agricultural’ (AG) Zone to ‘Agricultural Exception’ (AG-XX), consider additional uses, which might facilitate an additional zone category, such as Agricultural Related Commerical (AGC) or Agricultural Related Industrial (AGI) Zone. The request seeks to permit an on-farm diversified use, which will consider permitted uses, such as: agri-tourism, value-added agricultural products, accessory farm produce retail, small scale processing and packaging of local produced food, cooking classes, café/small restaurant, special events, farm office, and farm labour accommodation. The application will consider site-specific exceptions to the zones, by considering provisions in the zone and to allow an accessory dwelling unit to be located more than 50 m from the primary dwelling.