Title Sort descending | Description |
Committee of Adjustment Pre-consultation Request Form | Form used to initiate a confidential pre-consultation process for a minor variance or consent proposal with Planning Staff |
Consent Application | Formal application for consideration by the Committee of Adjustment for Consent, Lot Addition, Easements, Correction of Title, Charge, or lease |
Development Application Guideline | A guide to making application and navigating the approvals process for Planning Act Applications |
Development Engineering Review Fee Policy | To establish a consistent and standardized process with respect to the establishment of development engineering review fees for the services of the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department within the Township of Clearview. |
Development Proposal Pre-consultation Request Form | Form used to initiate a confidential pre-consultation process for an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Site Plan Approval, Plan of Subdivision/Condominium, Large Scale Renewable Energy, or Telecommunications Tower proposal with Planning Staff |
Draft Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Application | Formal application for consideration by Township Council for Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval |
Dumping, Filling, Grading of Lands By-law 02-62 | Provide for the regulation of the dumping on, filling of, and grading of lands. To obtain permission to fill or grade please use the application form provided at the following web address /sites/default/files/application_for_filling_or_... |
Large Scale Renewable Energy Application | Formal application for consideration by Township Council for Large Scale Renewable Energy Applications |
Large Scale Renewable Energy Protocol | A guide to making application, engaging the public, and navigating the process for seeking Council endorsement for Large Scale Renewable Energy projects |
Lot Grading & Drainage Policy | A policy to making lot grading submissions in accordance with the Township of Clearview engineering standards |
Minor Variance Application | Formal application for consideration by the Committee of Adjustment for Minor Variance |
Official Plan Amendment Application | Formal application for consideration by Township Council to amend the Official Plan |
Planning Application Pre-Consultation By-law | Require applicants for official plan and zoning amendments, plans of subdivision and site plan approval to attend a pre-consultation meeting |
Property Information Request Form | Form used to initiate a general or specific property inquiry with Planning Staff |
Sign By-law Amendment Application | Formal application for consideration by Township Council to amend the Sign By-law |
Sign Variance Application | Formal application for consideration by the Committee of Adjustment for a Variance from the Sign By-law |
Site Plan Approval Application | Formal application for consideration by Township Council for Site Plan Approval |
Telecommunications Tower Protocol | A guide to making application, engaging the public, and navigating the process for seeking Council endorsement for Telecommunication Tower projects |
Zoning By-law Amendment Application | Formal application for consideration by Township Council to amend the Zoning By-law |