The Property Standards By-Law, By-Law 17-98, sets standards for maintenance and occupancy of the properties within the Township of Clearview. The By-Law is to ensure that all property owners must maintain and repair the interior and exterior of their property in accordance with the standards of this By-Law.
The By-Law also addresses the physical building itself, and areas on and around the land or property. Property owners are required to repair and maintain their property according to Property Standards By-law 17-98.
These standards are put in place to protect the health and safety of residents as well as the general public.
Standards Included in the By-Law
The Property Standards By-law covers a large number of subject areas such as damaged/unmaintained building interiors and exteriors, insufficient or failed heating systems, the safety of stairs, porches and ramps, etc.
Listed here are ONLY some of the standards included in this By-Law:
- Grass and weeds are required to be maintained at a height of less than 12 inches.
- Properties are required to be maintained free of accumulations of garbage, refuse or debris.
- Buildings are to be maintained in a good condition, including the maintenance of roofs, windows, doors and eaves troughs.
- Sheds and detached garages are to be maintained in good condition.
- Rental properties are to be provided with working plumbing, heating and electrical services.
For a complete list of the standards refer to the By-law, By-Law 17-98.
An Officer of the Township has the right to enter onto and inspect any property at any reasonable time without a warrant, to determine whether the property conforms to the standards set out in the Property Standards By-law, or whether an Order has been complied with.
An Order may be issued by an Officer if a violation of the By-Law is found. The Order will:
- Explain the violation and what has to be done to correct the violation;
- Indicate a specific time frame to complete the work;
- Indicate the final date for giving notice of appeal from the order;
- Be served by personal service or prepaid registered mail.
If the property owner does not complete the work within the indicated time frame, the Township may carry out the work at the owner’s expense.
Making an Appeal
An owner who has been served with an Order and who is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the Order may appeal to the Appeals Committee within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the order. The owner must:
- Send a notice of appeal in writing to the Municipal Offices addressed to the Secretary of the Appeals Committee;
- Specify the grounds for the appeal;
- And include the applicable fee of $200.00
How to Make a Complaint
Upon receipt of a complaint, a By-Law Enforcement Officer will investigate to determine if a violation exists. The investigation may include any or all of the following actions:
- Contacting the owner (and/or tenant) to confirm the complaint is accurate.
- Visit the location/property to conduct an inspection to obtain confirmation of the complaint.
- Issuing verbal or written orders to the contraveners.
However, if you are a tenant that has concerns regarding poor maintenance of your home or apartment, first advise the landlord of your concerns in writing. This gives the landlord the opportunity to address the issue. If your concerns are not adequately addressed, register a complaint.