Thank you for your interest in Clearview Public Transit. The transit service operates one bus serving Stayner with a connection to Wasaga Beach (schedule and stops below).
Transit is Currently: Operational
- Normal operations
The public transit bus is accessible and AODA compliant. If you require assistance, please notify the driver.
TransitPLUS is available for Clearview residents who have a disability that prevents them, on a regular basis, from being able to use the conventional transit service, information on this service is available below.
Transit Map & Schedules
Clearview Public Transit Map
Transit Passes & Fares
Reload Your Clearview Transit Card
Cash Fares
Clearview Public Transit operates using an exact fare system. Passengers are required to have exact change. Drivers do not carry change.
Rider | Fares |
Students, Adults & Seniors | $2.00 |
Children (Under 4) | Free |
Bus Passes
Bus passes are offered as a 30-day pass, which is activated upon first use. Passes can be purchased at the Clearview Township Administration Centre during regular business hours.
Passes | 30 Day Pass |
Adult & Senior | $40 |
Student & Youth | $30 |
The Clearview Transit Card
The Clearview Transit Card is a reusable smart card that makes paying your fares faster, easier, and more secure. It offers users the convenience to add value to your card in person or online, balance protection when registered to ensure your money is safe if your card is ever lost or stolen and autoload features.
You have the choice of loading your card with either a 30-day pass - $40 for Adults & Seniors and $30 for Students and Youth - or paying per ride by preloading a set amount of money that will be deducted from your balance with each ride.
Using Your Clearview Transit Card
Use your card to tap on and tap off the bus. Each time you ride the system deducts your fare from the balance on your card.
Get Your Clearview Transit Card
Cards are available at the Clearview Administration Centre or the Stayner Arena during regular business hours.
- Clearview Township Administration Centre – 217 Gideon Street, Stayner
- Stayner Arena – 269 Regina Street, Stayner
Cards are also available directly from Clearview Transit Drivers and from the Stayner Branch of the Clearview Public Library, however they cannot be activated and loaded at these locations.
Registering Your Clearview Transit Card
Registering your card allows you to secure your balance in case your card is lost or stolen. Report your card lost or stolen as soon as possible and your card will be deactivated. Your balance will be protected and can be transferred to a replacement card. A replacement fee may apply.
Replacement cards are available at the Clearview Administration Centre or Stayner Arena.
Money on Unregistered cards cannot be replaced.
Reload Your Clearview Transit Card
Visit to reload your Transit Card and under the fare information tab, go to the section Reload my card. You must register and activate your account before you will be able to reload your card. Under Reload my card, register your card and funds can be loaded in amounts ranging from $2.00 to $100.00.
Cards can also be reloaded in person at the Clearview Administration Centre or Stayner Arena.
Register & Activate Your Clearview Transit Card
Visit to register and activate your account. Creating an account automatically registers your Transit Card.
The first time you load the card, you will need the Clearview Transit Card number and Activation Code number on the back of the card and a credit card (Visa or MasterCard). Create an account using the register button and enter your information. You will then receive an email from Transitfare to activate your account. Click the link in the email from Transitfare to verify your account. Once this has been completed you may log in and reload your card.