Thank you for your inquiry. This form has been provided for your convenience, to give you space to detail your questions about this property. Please be sure to attach as much detail about your request as possible, which may include a sketch, map, or a survey. Planning staff will review your request and respond to you within 10 working days. Completing this form will garner a simple, informal response from Planning Staff answering your questions, usually via email.Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Contact Information Date of Request Contact Information Full Name Email Address Phone Number Property and Proposal Information Municipal Address Legal Address Roll Number What type of information are you looking for? I'd like to know the Zoning & Official Plan Designation on this property I'd like to build on this property (Sketch Required) I'm wondering if there are past Building Permits or planning approvals tied to this property I'd like to establish a home occupation/industry on this property I'd like to know if I can have livestock on this property I need other information(Select all that apply) Request Details I have submitted a drawing or other attachment to with more details about my question. Yes No CAPTCHA Leave this field blank